Friday, December 18, 2009
A Sign of our Current Quasi-Communist Times. What a way to end 2009! Wake up AMERICA!
A sign of times folks, what pathetic sight of ungrateful moochers of our great society. No one I saw in this footage looked as if they were missing meals or malnourished; most of them were fat in the ass. Reports of up to 30,000+ moochers showed up to this event expecting free checks of $3500 a piece courtesy of the American taxpayer (which would've came out to $105,000,000+). Luckily, all they got was a near riot and footage of themselves [the moochers] complaining that they're not getting free money fast enough. Let this video be a visual signature for things to come as we get close to ending 2009. Wake up you idiots!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A Brief Voice Message to those who Like the True Conservative Radio Show!
Please don't forget to spread the word about the True Conservative Radio show to everyone you know. The issues discussed on this program are important to the continuity and integrity of our country. Thanks to everyone who listens in! You ain't seen nothing yet...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Amnesty in America Coming to an Illegal Immigrant Near You! Yet Another Ghost Prognostication...

As much as I've insisted all these years that these illegal immigrants were going to eventually get amnesty, very few Americans gave a second look. Now that my assertions have become a reality, I think all Americans should take notice and stop this Liberal regime's attempt at legitimizing the invasion of our country. Don't allow the Liberal propaganda on this issue force you to accept it.
Illegal immigrants have damaged our political, economic and social systems in ways that our enemies could only have dreamed about doing. First of all, the reason the Liberals want to give amnesty to these invaders is because they [the Democrats] want to corner the immigrant demographic in the ballot box for several generations. Secondly, immigrants have lowered the cost of labor and have eliminated employment opportunities for American citizens (especially during this recession) while taking advantage of American taxpayer funded entitlements. Third, illegals can commit the most grotesque and disgusting crimes (rapes, murders, etc) and just get deported; as opposed to facing American justice like everyone else who commits a crime in this country.
Although the evidence against the invaders of our country is in indisputable, I believe this legislation will pass with support from both sides of Congress. Mark my words! The Liberal regime will justify this amnesty bill by using Ronald Regan's rhetoric to legitimize their argument with right to mid leaning members of Congress. And as a result, by this time next years, illegal immigrants will be illegal no more.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi gets whacked... In the face!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
College degrees not worth the paper its printed on! Graduates find themselves jobless, hopeless and in debt... Yet another Ghost prognostication!

To all the so-called intelligent people who thought I was crazy for telling my listeners not to force their children to go to college because of degree saturation and lack of employment, well this story is for you ass clowns. A recent Time Magazine article, has confirmed my argument!
I've stated many times that college degrees are worth absolutely nothing in America today. Basically, these kids are putting themselves into a lifetime's worth of debt ($23, 200 on average) so they can have a 4 year party of sex, drugs and alcohol ("Girls Gone Wild;" enough said). And then when they're ready to go into America's service-industry oriented economy, they realize that they're not getting paid any better than a pot-head working the cash register at the local head shop.
For those graduates who do find modest salaries after college, they don't do the fiscally responsible thing and pay-off their student loans. Instead they go finance a house, a car and any other materialistic widget they feel that they deserve because of all the "hard work" (wink-wink) they did in college. Not taking into consideration the lack of true job security and globalization of economic systems; both of which jeopardize a graduate's income potential and longevity.
Because of all that's mentioned previous, a young person can feel a bit betrayed or lied to about the current set of circumstances. I feel for you young people! Not only have you been robbed of the economic opportunities accorded to your elders, but you've also been robbed of the critical thinking necessary to properly interpret the seriousness of all that's around you. Your minds have been hypnotized and programmed through an alternate reality perception, and that is Television.
For those of you young people that have snapped out of the MTV daydream and are attempting to lay blame but don't know where to look; look no further than those who raised you; the BABY BOOMERS!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This Christmas, America will be singing the 12 days of Obama! Listen and start caroling!
Monday, December 7, 2009
COP15 Global Warming Summit in Copenhagen is an attempt at Global Communism through sex, lies and bureaucracy!!!
COP15, which began 12/07/2009 and will last 2 weeks, is an obvious attempt at global Communism. The plan is that all modern and industrial countries (USA, UK, France, etc) are to have their "greenhouse gases" capped at a certain rate (Obama has already committed an 80% reduction). This new greenhouse gases rate will be regulated by some International bureaucratic system (probably the pussy-whipped U.N.), that will begin levying a global carbon tax (amidst an array of other taxes) that will be collected from all the member nations of the COP15 agreement. The taxes collected will not only fund the new Global International Regulatory System, but the revenue will also be allotted for third-world nations to aid their development into modernization and industrial growth. All that's mentioned previous is a recipe for worldwide Communism.
Many have criticized my opinion about how Global Warming is a complete scam ran by the international scientific community to obtain unlimited grants from governments and the private sector alike; not to mention they [the institution of Science] want to become the supreme authority superseding all political, social and economic systems. But since the unraveling of what is now known as "Climate-Gate," my claims have become more than just opinion.
This is a call to the world, don't allow a global consortium of quasi-Communist/Socialist bureaucrats globally tax your country's citizens for breathing! I find it ironic that this COP15 summit is flying in thousands upon thousands of delegates from all over the world in greenhouse gas, fuel burning jets and airplanes to discuss curbing global pollution. Why couldn't all these International delegates just stay home and have this conference on the Internet (since they're so worried about "greenhouse gases")? Maybe because free sex (really, the COP15 delegates are getting free sex, click the link), a free trip and the ability to rule the world under context of a complete lie is too much to pass up for these bureaucrats. You sick, power hungry fruity asses!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Marijuana! America's new cup of coffee! Welcome to pot head America!

But now Prop. 215 has created a monster with its loosely defined cures and/or treatments of the drug. Pot doctors, those who specialize in writing pot prescriptions, have sprouted in large numbers around the clusters of Marijuana dispensaries. Any citizen of California is eligible to receive a legal prescription (for any trivial illnesses or ailments); a typical trip to the Pot Doctor is a little over $100 (seriously, anyone can go and get a prescription). Thereafter, you can go to the Marijuana store and get a joint of one of the strongest and most potent pot starting at $5.
I feel that this national acceptance of Marijuana as a medicine and/or recreational substance will be destructive to an already complacent American public. We've all known pot heads, and they're typically lazy idiots that can barely stay focused enough to wax their own carrot. Now, the possibility of having a nation of these Cheech and Chong worshiping morons is rapidly becoming a reality.
I strongly urge those who are considering using this illicit crap not to. And if that doesn't convince you not to smoke weed, then listen to the True Conservative Radio Show (#147)when I will consume Marijuana LIVE on the air in hopes of persuading people not to smoke it. America has accepted so much social, political and economic filth, don't add legally selling pot to anyone (within proximity of children) cripple America's moral ethos worse than Liberal/Feminist Hollywood already has. Wake up True Conservatives! We're losing AMERICA!!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
True Conservatives must begin to take action against Liberal and Feminist idealism... The future of our country depends on it!!!!
No longer can we ignore this blatant infringement on our lives by those leftists variants (American Liberalism, Feminism, etc) that are currently misleading the masses and dismantling the Constitution. It is time for the American Patriots of Modernity to begin to arm themselves with knowledge, influence and substance so that this International leftist acceptance can be derailed off the track of the future and put into the museums of antiquity; or more like a circus freak-show.
If you feel that America is no longer the land of opportunity, then you must act. If you're observing the dumbing down of the masses, then you must act. If you feel that the masses have accepted the trivialization of human life, then you must act! By continuing to be complacent and not fulfilling your obligation as a country made "For the People and By the People," then our future is at the whim of power-hungry autocrats that will smile at your face and shake your hand, while selling out future generations into infinite serfdom to creditor nations.
To True Conservatives, be it 5 or 5 million of you, now is the time for you to get up and show the leftists that this idealism will be resisted. Read about history and about how (time and time again) the influence of a few motivated and dedicated Individuals changed the charted course set forth by those that attempted to dictated it. I've said this before and I'll say it again, if this warped political philosophy remains unopposed, then we deserve the consequences of the worst case scenario. Get off the sideline and get on the front lines, and the front lines are right outside you door! DO SOMETHING, WE NEED YOU!!!!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Adam Lambert introduces gay bondage to your children on the American Music Awards (AMA). Welcome to the New Liberal/Feminist America!!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
To everyone who hates or loves "yours truely!" Leave me a voice message and let mw know how you really feel about the True Conservative Radio Show!
So to all of you text-chat warriors that raid my chat room during my live radio show, and all the Liberals and Feminists who spread personal attacks about me in the blogoshpere; here's your chance to sound off like you got a pair! So don't be a pussified, pink team playing fruity ass and get to your nearest telephone and leave me a message; you Karl Marx worshipping, Godless scoundrels! BRING IT ON!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hip-Hop rappers Method Man and Redman respond to Kelis judgement of $55,000 a month in child support! HAHA!!!
I find it funny that these two idiots have the balls to cry about this judgement when it was the entertainment genre of Rap/Hip-Hop that created the mindset for nonsense like this to become a reality. Rap/Hip-Hop has turned a whole culture of men into a bunch of degenerate, perverted criminals and women into subliminal (if not blatant at this point) prostitutes.
I think its disgusting that women like this whore Kelis can receive judgements like this, but it underscores the new mindset of most modern American/Westernized women. No longer is it about family, love, affection, etc! Its all about how much cash she can mooch off of the next sucker. Welcome to the social landscape of America! ACK!
Monday, October 26, 2009
To All You H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Needy Nut Jobs: Here's What Your Vaccine is Capable of!
Below is one of those "1 in a million" side effects from this so-called "Flu Vaccine" that the CDC insists on inoculating you and your family with. Just watch and be horrified, the video speaks for itself.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Liberal and Feminist Hollywood justifies Roman Polanski's pedophelia! But Polanski must pay!
I was happy to hear that Roman Polanski was arrested for a 30+ year old child molestation charge by Switzerland authorities under advisement of the United States. Polanski and his sick fans are shocked (to say the least) because Polanski actually thought he was going to get away with this twisted crime he committed. But now that he's in Swiss custody, Polanski is trying everything in his power to try to stop his extradition to the United States, for he knows he will have to pay the piper.
Meanwhile, the mainstream boob tube media is treating this arrest as unjust, and are questioning the statute of limitations of the charge. But how can the Liberals and Feminist media justify pedophilia? This should open the eyes of some of you mindless people on the sideline.
I personally think Roman Polanski or anyone who molests children should be put to death. These damn sick perverts know that they can rob a child of their innocence and get nothing more than a couple of years in prison. As opposed to those that are doing 10+ year for drug offences. There is no excuse for molesting or thinking about molesting children.
This just underscores the depths of depravity that is ideology of Liberalism. We can no longer accept this idealism as legitimate and should consider it more as a disease. Anyone who thinks that Roman Polanski's arrest is unjust should do the world a favor a scarf yourself. I throw a party every time a child molester is dead and you should too.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The black community needs to listen to Judge Lynn Toler. Stop perpetuating the "Black Stereotype" and crying racism!
I understand that Judge Lynn Toler is just a TV court show judge, but the lectures she gives to people is obviously overlooked by those who should be listening. I'm an avid watcher of her program, for I feel that Judge Toler provides legitimate substance to those within her own Black community. Below is an example of Judge Lynn Toler in action; why does this intelligent, successful and Conservative Black woman not have major emphasis in the Black community?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe; the modern-day Woodward and Bernstein!
Well thanks to two young people who took it upon themselves to unearth obvious criminality within a supposed "community organization" group, the Liberal regime has to now start answering questions its been consistently evading. Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe are the names of the young individuals who exposed ACORN for what it is, a government-funded organization created to show America's losers, derelicts and/or degenerates how to commit fraud against the American taxpayer.
Giles and O'Keefe went undercover with a hidden video camera posing as a prostitute and a pimp. They went into an unknown number of ACORN locations in Baltimore and Washington D.C. and captured ACORN employees advising the couple how to skirt around the Federal Government to get free housing to open up an underage brothel. It almost sounds like a joke, but I wish I was kidding.
Thanks to great young Americans like Giles and O'Keefe, I'm optimistic about the future of the country. It's about time to witness the young people impress me with their will to fight for what is right. All Americans, both young and old, should use these two young people as examples of how motivated individuals can contribute to making their country better. We need more true patriots like these! Wake up AMERICA! Liberalism and Feminism has ruined this great country!!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Yet another example of slutty single mothers getting sympathy from our new Liberal / Feminist society!
Texas mother dismembers, decapitates and eats her 3 week old son! Claims begin about postpartum psychosis... What a bunch of Feminist propaganda!
Thirty-three year old Otty Sanchez, the Hannibal-cannibal mother out of Texas, told the police that the devil made her cut off her baby's head, tear off his face and eat his brain (not to mention gnawing on three of his toes). As this story hit the national news wire, Feminist psychologists and other like-minded suedo-scientists began suggesting that this crime had evidence of postpartum psychosis. But how many children have to die before we realize that these so-called mental disorders (I.E. Postpartum depression, Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy, etc) are nothing more than premeditated murder excuses for insanity pleas. Anyone who kills a child, for any reason, should be put to death; period! But I'm willing to bet money Sanchez will be found not guilty when everything is said and done; and I'm not joking!
In our new Liberal/Feminist America, cold-blooded murders like Andrea Yates, Dena Schlosser and other bimbos go free everyday on these Liberal/Feminist insanity pleas. Andrea Yates drowned 5 of her own children and said that Satan was inside her and she was "saving" them from going hell; she was acquitted by a pro-child killing jury in 2006 by reason of insanity. Dena Schlosser chopped off her 10-month old baby's arms because she wanted to give her baby to God; she was acquitted by a pro-child killing jury in 2004. And then we wonder why how such horror can be consistently bestowed upon innocent children; it's because America accepts these pathetic mental disorders as legitimate excuses for get-out-jail-free child murdering.
So for all of you people that find this story out of Texas disturbing, get used to it. Mothers who finally begin to realize that having children is a minimum 18 year commitment (especially this filthy single mothers), they begin entertaining the idea of murdering them in exchange for a maximum 5 year mental institution commitment; thanks to the old insanity plea based on Liberal/Feminist excuses. If you are a Liberal or a Feminist, then you are responsible for this epidemic; you must all be very proud!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sarah Palin is not a Conservative! She's backwoods, ignorant, Feminist trash and does not speak for True Conservatives!
Lets start off with the most recent developments about Palin stepping down as Governor of Alaska; even though she still has a year and a half left on her first term. Anyone with a brain can tell you that this was purely a political move for the future. Believe it or not some political consultants (backed with money coming from somewhere) have actually convinced this moron that there's an actual possibility she can be president. In this author's educated opinion, this "stepping-down" move was a spineless attempt at nullifying the internal ethics investigations that have loomed over Alaska since the presidential elections. Someone needs to loosen the weave that's cutting off circulation to her balding head because she's fooling herself if she believes the backwoods political games Sarah Palin played prior to the national spotlight aren't going to haunt her.
Secondly, Sarah Palin is the reason why the Conservative Movement has been permanently damaged. This is the same woman who touts family values and Conservatives principles, and yet she can't control her moose-humping whore of a daughter from getting pregnant as a teenager; not to mention out of wedlock. You can't play both sides of the fences, either you denounce the social ills or you embrace it; Sarah Palin and her followers have chose the latter. It burned a hole in my intestines to see the past Republican National Convention championing the idea of teen pregnancy as a "beautiful thing" or "cute."
Thirdly, Sarah Palin has been and will continue to utilized the Feminist card as long as she has political aspirations. I was shocked to hear intelligent Republicans and so-called Conservatives defend the ignorance of the this buffoonery. We all heard the Katie Cuouric interview with Sara Palin, it was embarrassment to all of America; let alone the Republican party. But Palin and her goons will tell you that the reason she has critics is because she's a woman.
Last but not least, the reasons everyday Americans give for supporting this idiot. Look folks, I'm going to give you the true motives for all her supporters. Men want to vote for her because they think she's hot (people have actually called into my show an told me on the air), woman vote for her because she's a woman and everyone else who votes for her are just retarded. All the True Conservatives must come together and reject Sarah Palin, for she does not represent anyone but her own selfish bureaucratic motives. And as long as she's running or has aspirations for national office, I will continue to voice my opposition to this bimbo!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Here's what the Feminist Movement calls "Woman Liberation!" What a disgrace to humanity!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Take advantage of the True Conservative Radio Archive before its gone!
I plan on making my presence more noticeable by providing all the content I can muster. This means more radio shows, blogs, tweets, etc; but I need your help to make this possible. I always tell those who follow my content to support it by visiting the sponsors who allow such content to be free. Unfortunately, it seems my calls have fallen on deaf ears.
So I've decided to start the process of migrating the archive that is currently free on and transferring it to iTunes for a small price per episode (the price is yet to be decided but its in the range of $.25-$.79). This applies to episodes a month old and older. The process will begin at the end of April.
I'm sorry to all those who find this news disheartening, but its something that must be done for the sake of the True Conservative Radio program. We will still broadcast live at the usual times and the live streams will always be free. I encourage all the listeners to start listening to as many shows on the archive as possible; while its being still housed @ ! Thank you for your understanding.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Obama laughs at the American people's problems! But this is America's fault!
Where are all you Obama supporters now? He's allowing Wall Street to raid the American taxpayer system, worrying about college basketball brackets and laughing in your Karl Marx worshiping faces. But I said it for 2 years on the radio, and the writing was all over the wall. All the problems we currently face is the American people's fault for not paying attention and indulging themselves on things the couldn't afford. I don't know what the future holds, but after this vid, it doesn't look good!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
2007 births breaks 1950's baby boomer record! We can no longer accept Feminism making life trivial!
Well then comes a report today out of the AP that "2007 US births break 50's record." The difference is that the 50's baby boomers had 2 parents in the home to raise them; single parents are the majority of the present day. This spells disaster to the generations of the future, for they will be raised by the TV and the State. I can't believe what we have become!
I, for one, will not submit! I will not embraced this new single-parent/broken home version of society (excluding those who lost their spouse due to natural death). That's why whenever I see a single mother with multiple children, I give her no sympathy! For I know she's collecting generous revenues and dividends from the State, child support and idiots who fall for her sympathy routine. I see it constantly whenever I go down to south Texas (especially San Antonio); nothing but free-loading, food card carrying, entitlement receiving single mothers with 3+ kids trailing them like hoard of rodents.
Of course, the Liberal and Feminist media highlights this new baby-boom as some sort of great achievement. But folks, look around you! Is this achievement? We should all be ashamed of our decadent and materialistic selves. I spit on those who attempt to utilize my criticisms of the American people as fuel to light a Molotov cocktail of lies about me, my patriotism or my loyalty to this country. That's why I'll continue to throw everything in the face of the American people because you all allowed all this to happen; fair and square!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
In 2010, vote for anyone who isn't affiliated with the Democrats or the Republicans!
The most unfortunate part about this whole scenario, when the people finally decided to get so-called "political" in 2008, they [American people] flocked to the political ideas and promises that we fought against in the Cold War. Why? Because the majority of Americans completely screwed their lives up via children they can't raise, debt they can't pay and aspiring to meaningless dreams that could never be attained. And now that these apparent realizations are starting to bring them back to earth, they are looking to any remedy or cure to keep them in the clouds; even if its a lie! It's like those unfortunate souls who are stricken with an incurable disease and go to voodoo doctors or faith healers to cure their fatal ailments; its morbid conman horse crap! But that's how the Liberals and Feminists (Karl Marx worshiping lunatics), who are presently in power, got there; by promising these idiots who live in the sky that they'll keep them afloat.
Instead the present party in power allowed an open raid on the American taxpaying system, while throwing the entitlement spongers a few more dollars so they can feel like they accomplished something (like a raise or job promotion for doing nothing but being moocher and voting for the Liberals and Feminists). What is taking place in America is grotesque and pathetic! But as sad as it is to say, its our fault.
The only attempt to remedy this situation is to seriously get involved politically at the ballot box. You want to real change and bring America back to how we remember it and the way it should be, then VOTE!!!! I encourage and plead to you all not only to vote, but don't for anyone affiliated with any of the two major parties (Democrat or Republican). These party's are the problem and the people need to show them that we don't need them! So vote for anyone else! At this point the more unconventional and nontraditional, the better! This way, if the government really messes up, we'll know its because the milky lickers we voted for didn't know diddly.
Please keep up to date with the show by listening to the on-demand archive @ and please visit anyone who sponsors Ghost and/or True Conservative radio; they are real American patriots if they advertise on this show (given my past and future controversies). Help spread the word folks! Thank you all!
Friday, March 6, 2009
True Conservative Radio and Ghost on YouTube! Check it out!
All of you ass-clowns that are creating these videos need to stop! I don't appreciate you computer-nerd losers mocking my political persuasion! I would personally like to kick the holy dog crap out of all of you bastards that are doing this! I'm a CONSERVATIVE DAMN IT!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The BlogTalkRadio Network and their ass-kissing minions makes me sick!
Instead they promote (and pay as employees) these ditsy bimbos (i.e. Media Lizzy) and other lame hosts that do nothing but kiss the ass of management to get such opportunities (even though no one listens to these milky lickers). I think its pathetic!
I've listened to all the so-called popular broadcasts on BTR, and most barely have 6 or 7 people in their chatroom (this is after BTR promotes their shows via e-mail, homepage features and blogs). But BTR, for whatever reason, insists on giving these boring fruity-asses props, highlights and authority over other hosts that aren't in the BTR ass-tickling click.
If I don't see that my hard work and content is being appreciated within the next couple of months, I'm going to leave the BTR Network! That's right, I've recently been e-mailed by a company similar to BTR's that promises to give me the emphasis I deserve; and I'm seriously considering moving broadcast to their Network.
So keep up to date with the show, because if I decide leave, I would like everyone (including the Liberal and Feminists who agitate my show) to come with me! Thanks to all who listen and please let BTR know what you think about True Conservative Radio!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Glenn Beck puts the economic collapse in simple terms; even an idiot American should be able to understand!
Octomom, Nadya Suleman, has a website pandering for donations from like-minded Feminist and Liberals! How pathetic!
If you weren't puking up in your mouth yet, then get ready for this; Suleman now has a website trying to solicit donations from Liberal and Feminist minded morons on the Internet. The website,, has been up since early this month and pleads with the public to make a donation to this genetic freak show. Can you imagine, when Americans are being laid-off daily by the thousands and are having trouble taking care of their own families, this maniac broad actually expects some sympathy from you because her retarded decision making. What a piece garbage!
I have advocated and will continue to advocate that this woman should be thrown in jail or committed, her children should be taking away and she not be allowed to capitalize off of her lunatic actions. This is not cute, it's not beautiful, it's disgusting!
I want to end this blog by personally telling Nadya Suleman that she should be back-handed back into reality (where we don't mangle our faces to look like movies stars and shit out children for financial gain). You are a pimple on the ass of life and you should do the world a favor and jump off a building. This way, the America taxpayer can help your children; not you or your ditsy of hag of a mother!
Obama claims he doesn't want nationalized banks, but his actions prove differently...
The U.S. government is spending the taxpayers money to purchase the majority shares of preferred stock in most banks; which their entertaining the option to exchange them for common shares. According to,
If the U.S. were to convert all of its holdings into common shares, it would own more than 80 percent of the company [Citigroup].
Charlotte, North Carolina-based Bank of America, which has received $45 billion in TARP funds in exchange for preferred shares and warrants, would be 66 percent owned by the government if its entire stake were converted to common equity, according to data compiled by KBW Inc., a New York-based investment bank. The figure would be 69 percent at Regions Financial Corp. in Birmingham, Alabama, which has received $3.5 billion from the U.S. It would be 83 percent at Fifth Third Bancorp, the largest Ohio-based lender, which got $3.4 billion.
KBW calculated the government stakes based on a conversion price of 80 percent of the stock’s value as of Feb. 5.
The prospect of nationalized banks is something the American people can not tolerate! Call your Congressman and your Senator and tell them we don't want to transition into quasi-socialism/communism. Remember, this is America! The country that never emphasized giving handouts to low-lifes, but giving out opportunities to the responsible, hard-working American!
Facebook bows down under the pressure! I say still cancel your accounts!
But now that the Internet users of the world decide to revolt against these authoritarian tactics used by Facebook, Zuckerberg and his goons have bowed down to the users and eliminated the "TOS" clause stated previous. But I feel that Internet users should make Facebook pay for its infringement on our Internet freedom. That's why I still call on everyone to cancel their Facebook accounts and tell Mark Zuckerberg to piss off!
Facebook, as stated in several reports, is worth close to 1.3 Billion dollars as of right now. And they have the audacity to secretly change the "TOS" agreement under every one's noses to give them exclusive monetary rights to your likeness, pictures, blogs, videos and any other content that you wish to post (even if you close your account)? I think Zuckerberg has some nerve, and it would be a great day to see Facebook collapse under its own greed.
Remember Zuckerberg, you fruity-ass bastard, the people are the ones who created the networth of your company and made Facebook what it is today. Secretly changing your "TOS" is the equivilent of kicking all the Facebook users in the balls and telling them to smile about it. You and your pathetic company are a piece of trash, and anyone who still decides to stay on as a Facebook user must like being treated like a 2-dollar whore with a 3-dollar rebate!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Welcome to the new True Conservative blog!
Please add this page to your favorites and check back often because I will always be posting posts whenever important subjects arise for discourse. Don't forget to tune in to the True Conservative Radio @ !!!! We also have on-demand episodes for the past 2 years we've been on the air.
Thanks for all your support! And to all you Liberal long-hairs and bull-dyke Feminists, the Conservative Movement will rise again!!!