Saturday, March 26, 2011
To All True Capitalists: Join the Capitalist Army So We Can Spread Capitalism Worldwide! CapitalistArmy.com is the Network...

Monday, March 14, 2011
Public Unions Believe They Are Too Patriotic To Be Compensated Like Everyone Else in America; By The Merits of Their Skill and Work Ethic!
A recent blog I posted where I highlighted and criticized the teachers unions of America made top news on NewsVine this week. I was amazed at how many pro-union comments were chastising me for stating the obvious. The pro-union crowd got so digitally irate, they went as far as trying to take down the post on NewsVine by attempting to gang flag the seed for inappropriate material. Thankfully, NewsVine isn't intimidated by the one track, angry-mob mentality that seems to be the foundation of union thinking. As I read the almost 500 comments, I noticed a sense of arrogance and entitlement that was a reoccurring theme in the pro-union posts. They practically said that they were too patriotic to be paid like Americans in the private sector. These pro-union comments went as far to suggest that private sector workers deserved their "lower paying wages" because they weren't smart enough to join a union. Above is a clip of these same public unions taking over the Wisconsin capitol building because they don't want to accept that the State can't pay their inflated bureaucratic budgets. They then sing the National Anthem showing that they are the real patriots, and those in the private sector work for them.
First of all, there is nothing patriotic about utilizing mob rule to extort money from any organization; especially the taxpayer. It is a fact that public worker jobs are notorious for being occupations with limited responsibilities and exuberant pay; they've always gotten paid more than those in the private sector. Now these bureaucrats believe they should continue this gravy train, even though states are economically insolvent.
Another frequent comment is that public workers are "taxpayers." I, for the life of me, can not understand how one can be a taxpayer when they are paid by taxpayer dollars. In reality, public workers are not increasing tax revenue with their taxpayer funded income. Consequently, they are removing tax revenue and paying "taxes" with private sector taxation; in essence, paying taxes with taxes. So public workers quoting "paying taxes" as justification for exploiting taxpayers is ridiculous. Below is a video of Milton Freidman explaining it for you simpletons!
I'm also taken back by the disgusting mob scene displays that public workers seem to be so proud to take part in. Without any consideration for anyone or anything but their annual increased salaries, lifetime tenures and annual percentage increased pensions. They don't care if they bankrupt states, take away from basic services or jeopardize their community's civility, as long as their "power" (as stated by Bob Chanin) is vulgarly displayed. Which can be a window into why our children have taken a back seat in the global economy.
These union protest are setting a precedent of entitlement greed that is going to sweep the nation in the years to come. Just think, these are "educators" that are acting a fool and causing unrest for the sake of collective bargaining rights and perks. Now imagine these ungrateful baby boomers when the government has to cut Social Security, imagine when cuts have to be made in unemployment, food card (stamps), housing voucher program and all the other entitlements that the American people feel is their birth right. Its not a pretty picture, but thank a teacher when that day comes...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Mike Vallely Comes to True Capitalist Radio for a LIVE Interview on March 18, 2011! Spread It Around Like Wildfire!
I'm excited to announce that the infamous Mike Vallely (MikeV) will be on True Capitalist Radio LIVE, March 18, 2011! MikeV, much like yours truly, is an underground pop culture icon that has truly impacted the lives of young people worldwide. Initially getting the spotlight for his skateboarding in the late 80's, MikeV's personality has graced a variety of different media and industries alike. A skateboarder, an actor, a musician, a wrestler, an athlete, a stuntman; just an all around talented bad ass! Above is a small clip of the unbelievable persona that is MikeV.
As you can see, in a social landscape filled with fruity asses and wimps, MikeV still gives me a hint of hope that the American male is not completely pussifed. This is what all young males should try to emulate; being a real man! Anyway, before I get into some kind of social diatribe, I would like to ask all the listeners of the True Capitalist Radio show to please vote for MikeV for the 2011 Revolver Magazine Golden Gods Awards for Most Metal Athlete. Let's vote get MikeV this award so that we can show the world that True Capitalist Radio is serious business.
Also, please tell everyone you know mark their calenders for March 18, 2011 when MikeV comes to True Capitalist Radio. This interview should kick major ass and I hope you're there to see it LIVE!