Contrary to popular belief, I didn’t get hacked, sniffed and/or doxed. As you have probably already noticed, the IP address going around that supposed to be mine is not (like I’m dumb enough to go on an IRC chat server with my own IP). The old man/ family that you trolls are harassing has nothing to do with me or the True Capitalist Radio show, so better luck next time (haha). But this little incident showed me something; that its time to end the TCR broadcast completely.
Ever since I began the show, I have never made any kind of substantial profit. So the main reason I conducted the broadcast was to deliver information, knowledge and news in a way that was unforgettable. Every show I conducted, I gave everything had! And I feel that show Podcasts of the show proves it.
But after this latest suppose “doxing” attempt (lol), it was the proof I needed to show me that all the time, effort and energy was for not. After 4 years of broadcasting for free and bringing consistent rich content, I feel somewhat betrayed by those who claim to appreciate my work. I couldn’t help but notice all the evil satisfaction from those who felt they had identified me, and that is something I can not forget.
So I shall no longer put my health at risk and continue to broadcast (for free) to those who wish to see my misfortune. After February, there will be no more LIVE shows on True Capitalist Radio. To those True Fans that are extremely disappointed, I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. It’s a few bad apples that rot the whole bunch.
And I understand that these “bad apples” are but a few losers amongst the entire TCR fan base. But these losers have not only attempted this “doxing” with me, but they have “doxed” many of my fans for one reason or another. These idiots must have a taste of their own medicine.
So I’ll make a deal with you! If someone (anyone) can legitimately own these culprits behind this BS (and you all know who they are), I’ll come back and do live shows again. But not until something is done to those pathetic no life having idiots who are not only trying to dox me, but also the TCR fans. So for all you trolls that want to become a legend, this is a call to you (I'll make you a co-host for a month)! I shall be lurking and if these dogs get their day; then I shall return.
ReplyDeletepoor ghost what the fuck is the matter with dumbass bronies man
Deletei honestly am fucking sick of dumbass brony princess pony bullshit humpers that are complete and total faggots. its ok ghost they may be getting their sick kicks from trolling you but you know what? what are they accomplishing in life, NOTHING!!!!! those sorry minority dumbasses. anyways long live Capitalism! although im a socialist 14 year old (no joke really) capitalism is the best way to go! p.s. why the hell does your engineer sound like chewbacca??! also what if the engineer is behind all of these atrocities? think about it...
DeleteYeah. God-damned Bronies are everywhere. I hope these pony-loving freaks get a .50cal round to the head each.
DeleteYeah I mean seriously what's wrong with them? Can't they understand that Pinkie Pie is the best pony? With her party canon and her Twilight Sparkle gattling gun. C'mon.
DeleteYeah, I think we all know who they are. one starts with a "C" and ends in "elticBrony".
ReplyDeleteLet's dox his ass.
DeleteIt's already been done.
DeleteLooks like they're fruitin' up in here already.
DeleteI don't know how we'll do this, Ghost, but we will find a way. TCR shall live on!
ReplyDeletei fart blood
DeleteCan I take a shit on your face?
ReplyDeletecan i watch?
DeleteCan I watch you watch?
DeleteOne of them is part of, or affiliated with, the NCF, I know that for sure.
d0x? with pleasure. I'll just need to find some free time.
It's simple. We kill the brony.
ReplyDeletei'm taking a shit holy fuck balls
ReplyDeleteJustin Bieber was in on it the whole time. Do a barrel roll.
ReplyDeleteI still want to sniff your fart, ghost.
ReplyDeleteRagequiting finally? Was about time...
ReplyDeleteThen we know what must be done to our save dear leader.
ReplyDeleteThe Celtic Brony. It is your tiem.
Not a single fuck was given that day
ReplyDeleteAnd nothing of value was lost
NCF detected.
Deletemindless 4chan faggot.
Deletebtw, is ghost delusional? 95% of callers are trolls and about 90% of the people commenting on here are trolls.
ReplyDeleteIt's asho,and ghost you were the closest thing to a father,i swear... you've raised me and i love you from the bottom of my heart :( ... idk what im going to do without you ghost...i'ts so fun to call up the show and share my stories with you and you be like (wtf?) but anyways... you've been a great guy... R.I.P
ReplyDeleteWhy are people saying "kill CelticBrony" you can't kill someone over the internet you dumbass
ReplyDeleteshut up you little fuck
Delete>shut up you little fuck
DeleteOoooo Clever, What a man you are
Go back to 9gag you newfag
Yeah, what a newfag faget
Delete@Jan 29, 2012 10:38 PM
DeleteSee, this is the kind of nonsense I expect from a person that had only been listening since July. Some of us have been with him for years. We will not be silent.
^^^All samefag
Deleteyou shut the fuck up too
DeleteThis is CelticBrony. No, fuck you too.
DeleteEat cock, brony.
DeleteWell, you could trace the IP location (unmask the IP and trace the real one if need be) in most cases and send in a kill team to stab, smash and shoot the guy. All Bronies must die, that's how it goes.
Deleteso does this mean the engineer is gonna have his own show?
ReplyDeleteWhy would you quit if it wasn't your ip...
ReplyDeletewhy would you fuck a dog when your lawn mower is broken...
Delete@Jan 29, 2012 10:35 PM
DeleteNot the point. The point is, there's a few out there that want to ruin the fun for everyone.
;.; TCR can't end this soon.
ReplyDeleteCeltic dun goofed. Enjoy your rape faggot.
ReplyDeleteIt's me Mistykins. When I told my son the news today he was tore up. I really hate this is happening. I still want to buy your tshirts and stuff! There isnt a day that goes by that we miss a show, if we don't hear it live we listen to the archive. My son lost his father 3 years ago and since then, you have been his role model/father figure. We also enjoy the comic thread in your shows, when you rip the trolls a new one everyday. It's just a down right shame. But, hey this is our America now. We have free speech, but most want to use it to act like morons. I am sincerely sorry that you will be leaving the live shows. Hopefully we can catch up with you on another internet venue. Just tweet it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I fucking hate you, Ghost. Best of luck to you. =)
DeleteY'know Ghost, and I _HATE_ having to compare you to this moron, but, you could do what Ray William Johnson did, switch from politics to comedy. Hell that talent-less prick became a millionaire, so imagine someone like you, who's actually entertaining, doing small shows like that. I'm sure you'd get such a fan base that losers won't even get attention from attempts to dox you.
ReplyDeleteno one wants to see a fat greasy hambone cry on stage
DeleteI disagree
DeleteI understand now. I guess I would have done the same thing. You try to do something nice and a few jealous people try to ruin it.. thinking it is funny. Its not funny! No one asked for his Dox.. NO ONE! everyone was having was having a blast.
ReplyDeleteGhost needs his own webcast on his own terms. none of this blogtalk crap anyways. he can get everything up and running and run the show from his toilet if he wanted and flush everytime the idiots started spewing their crap!
ReplyDeleteHe wasn't broadcasting from the toilet already...?
DeleteY'know Ghost, even though I do laugh at your fits of rage, deep down, I truly respect you. I haven't been listening to your show as long as some other people have(I started listening in September)but you have no idea how glad I am to have found your show. Since I started over at my new college, I've been listening to your show every day and I'm often surprised by how similar some of our views on the world are. I've never had a grandfather but if I did, I'd imagine he'd be a lot like you: Worldly, hotheaded and funny.
ReplyDeleteI really, really, really don't want you to leave Ghost but it's your call, man. Just know that I'll be looking forward to whenever you decide to come back.
Celtic and the NCF will see their day, OpGlueFactory will make sure of it. We already have some great shit on them.
ReplyDeleteCeltic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Deletewhat a fuckin faget
Ghost, TrueCapitalist_ here. I know you will be reading this, so I'll share my opinion too.
ReplyDeleteI'm a 23 year old, Dutch, International Business and Management student and obviously I'm interested in business. I'm not going to lie, I first started listening 6 months back, because it was quite funny how you raged to these trolls (not knowing it really hurt you that much). However, in that same period, you as a person, have grown on me. I especially admire your economical and general business knowledge you express in the first 30 minutes (the markets) of your broadcast. You were the reason why I've started to invest my money. Although I'm a student and I'm starting off with 500 Euros, mainly because I simply can't afford to invest any more in this point of time, it was a big step, I still don't regret.
I know you're quite fond of your privacy and so you should, but if you are ever in need and looking for someone to help you take this concept further, don't hesitate to send me a message on twitter (you've got my twitter name). I could help you set up a website or anything else you need, free of charge.
I'll probably get called a fruit ball by people here, but I don't give a shit. Economics can be boring, however, you broadcast it on a level that appeals to both Economists and non-economists.
If you decide to complete stop, I can understand. But please don't.
fruit ball
DeleteGhost I was a long time listener (2 years) of your show and I agree with your decision even though it's disappointing.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, it was getting kind of stale once EVERY single call was a troll call, and all the callers had names to identify themselves by instead of having anonymity so you kind of knew what to expect from everyone.
But as a radio show host, you are and always will be the most original and entertaining and bold host on the internet.
You are a personal hero of mine and I hope someday you resurface as a radio talent under a different name and a different show.
Thank you for your service to the internet.
Thought ghost was a bit arrogant, but i respect the fact that he didn't change just cause people disagreed with him! i think the world needs more people like him and less people that just mimic stuff they heard on 4chan. Plus he did those awesome voices like Mr optimistic!
ReplyDeleteGhost i feel bad for you that you had to put up with a bunch of cookie cutter trolls that all just spam the awesome memes you create in your own comments on BTR and everywhere else you are on the internet.
ReplyDeleteIt's all just a ploy for attention.
ReplyDeleteMeh, I wish you the best of luck in the future. Who know knows, maybe you'll find a better site to host your shows on? BlogTalkRadio is such a terrible system anyway.
ReplyDeleteGhost: the man, the myth, the legend. I know you won't let the cyber-vermin win. Unleash Penix2.0, the time is nigh.
ReplyDeleteCeltic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
ReplyDeleteCeltic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Is this a cover-up for a holiday Ghost?
ReplyDelete(p.s., Ghost you can't leave us, not now. #GhostIsTheTalent #Ghost2012
It's always that one asshole (or assholes I don't know for certain) that ruins things for everyone and honestly they'll get theirs in the near future. I was introduced to this show last June and despite the lulz I got from trolls calling in I've legitimately enjoyed the show ever since. It's a shame really. Oh well, happy trails Ghost.
ReplyDeleteWhy give the trolls the satisfaction? You stood up to them show after show and they will be happy that you ragequit. There is a lot of people that listen to the show for your insight, but also for the entertainment. It's your show and life. I hope you keep in mind the true capitalists that listen and the lives you helped change.
ReplyDeleteEven though you are a hambone and I don't agree with you most of the time, you still have inspired me to use capitalism to my advantage in life. You have encouraged me to start investing and spending my money in a smart way to plan for my future. You have also helped create a little community of friends,fans, and trolls of the show.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think I could ever sit through political pundantry or investment news until I came across your show and you actually made it interesting. I admire you for all the effort that you put in to the show. It shows how much your care about what you do. You are a role model for these young kids trolling you as far as your work ethic is concerned, but I hope they don't fall for the conservative nonsense that you put out lol
True Capitalist Army Forever
Make your last show the best ever Ghost, Half Hour Engineer show, 213 gets a ghetto capitalist segment and uncensored twitter shout outs!
ReplyDeletehey ghost how doion as a long viewer of your show i've enjoyed it and have found it has taugh me great things being 16 i've start an online business of makin custome controllers and figures and have made a bunch of capitail and i've been working hard at my programming classes. so i can hopefully have a company running by the time i'm out of school your stories are amazing and they help me with what i need to do next. also your not brainwashed like mainstream media and kids and young people need your opinons on those matter. Ghost if you leave you have let the trolls win and thats not good ghost stay please.
ReplyDeletetl;dr: Ghost is a fruity Frenchie and he is surrendering.
ReplyDeletei really hope you dont leave cuz you have a lot of fans ( real fans i mean not those guys who just like troll you )
ReplyDeleteGhost, you have no idea how saddened people are to see you leaving.
ReplyDeleteI discovered TCR a couple months ago when I did a YouTube search of "My Little Pony prank calls" (yes, I'm a brony). I remember listening to all your reactions and finding them hilarious.
Then I started watching some of your live shows, and I was surprised that most of the stuff you had to say was actually legit and that you weren't just a troll (like some people think you are).
Coming from a liberal like myself, I actually found myself learning quite a bit from the synapses you gave. And the prank calls just added a little entertainment to your show.
Yes, I did prank call you a few times. I was the one who advertised that SpongeBob Community and caused you to rage about "SpongeBobbbies." But I always loved how you handled prank callers and how you always had clever/witty comebacks. Like I said, it added to the entertainment.
With all that said, I hope you reconsider your decision to leave. Many of us, even us trolls, take your show seriously and would be at a loss without you.
And CelticBrony, go hump a dead moose, why don't ya?
Ah, ya fuckin' Brony fruitbowl bastard.
DeleteGhost, please dont quit D: ive been listening for almost 4 months now and im there listening for the first 1/2 of the show with real stimulating talk. yes the radio graffiti is a lulzy extra but i truly love your talk about the market and news. please dont go you are the talent dont let anyone tell you different!
ReplyDeleteGhost, Don't Leave. bro! i've been listening since early november and i only listened in to the trolling, but i listened to a full show and i realised you tell great advice and interesting news... D: so ghost don't leave forget what the trolls/hackers do. KEEP BRINGING THE CAPITALISM!! :D
ReplyDeleteoooh is that celtics address? the little fag lives near me. IM GOING TO FUCK YOU UP CELTIC
ReplyDeleteGhost, I've learnt a lot from you, and if this really is goodbye, I'll miss you. I won't lie, some of the trolls were funny, but had I known they would go so far as to dox you I would have never laughed.
ReplyDeleteCelticBrony, YOU WILL RUE THE DAY you decided to fuck with the Capitalists. You're always doing useless things, so you should pray for the quick death you ain't gonna get.
We must avenge the great one. Justice shall be served to those responsible.
ReplyDeleteCeltic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
ReplyDeleteCeltic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
I hope you return Ghost, you really mean a lot to us.
ReplyDeleteCelticBrony is such a loser. Why don't you do something useful with your time you retarded Saskatchewan moose humper. Too bad I don't live near you then I would give you a taste of your own medicine... oh well, perhaps another time. Sorry to see you go Ghost, I really appreciated all your commentary and everything you did.
ReplyDeleteHey ghost,
ReplyDeleteI first heard of your show through some friends who sent me some youtube videos of trolling on your show. After that, I started listening, and realized that you're right on. I can agree with nearly every serious this you discuss and have often thought some of the same things myself. I haven't always had time recently to listen to your live shows, but I love them and catch up on archived ones when I can. I'm sad to hear that you're stopping.
I hope the people that attempted this get what they have coming to them, and I hope you can start up shows again. Maybe a couple months or so of vacation isn't a bad idea anyways. After all, you put a lot of energy into the show. But either way, even if you can't resume live shows, I sure hope you will keep blogging on issues that matter. And maybe you could try recording shows that aren't live so that people can still listen (and without the trolls, however funny some of them may be).
I wish you the best and will be sure to listen to as many of your February shows as I can. And I hope that won't be the last we hear of you.
ReplyDeleteHello GHOST,
ReplyDeleteSo from what I gather, you need a group to help you out and get these trolls off your back?
Real Bronies can troll, but choose not to.
Even if it isn't me, somepone will take care of those who plauge you, Whether it is me, or it is another internet vigilante, justice is always served.
ReplyDeleteGhost. i started listening to your show just for the pure (lulz) and i had many good ones with you after i started to listen live you made me see the world in a whole new light and now because of you i want to become a true capitalist just like you. It is a shame that a few people had to fuck everything up for everyone else i will still fight by your side and wait for you to do new shows!
ReplyDeleteAsho gave Ghost Celtic Brony's full name+address. LOLZ
ReplyDeletewow ghost you were the best radio host i ever heard goodbye man
ReplyDeleteCELTIC BRONY !!!!!!
ReplyDeletedamn you celtic brony! cans.wav
ReplyDeleteLook at your beloved CelticBrony. LOL what a fruitbowl.
but now what we do without ghost
ReplyDeleteGodspeed, Ghost. Godspeed.
ReplyDeleteok no more trolling on true capitalist radio you freaking hambones and leave ghost alone!!! and give him respect and im going miss you ghost and don't give up ghost
ReplyDeleteCeltic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
ReplyDeleteCeltic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
I believe this is an unfortunate turn.
ReplyDeleteI would rage, but I understand Ghost's motivations, and can do nothing but support him through the challenges TCR may face, present, and future.
To you the best,
wow celtic brony you don't deserve a ghostie for trolling ghost
ReplyDeletelet target coltin lockert
ReplyDeleteCelticBrony lives in his mothers garage. Check it out LOL.
Celtic Brony AKA Coltin Lockert 115 6th Avenue North Warman, SK, S0K 4S0, Canada (+1)3065317943
Ghost, I started listening to true capitalist radio because of the trolls, just like a lot of people, but since listening to the broadcasts since the end of summer, you canged the way I view the world. I agree with a lot of what you say, and listening to tcr has gotten me through the week. I hope this is not true, I hope you don't end the radio. You will be missed by your true fanbase.
ReplyDeleteWarman, Saskatchewan
ReplyDeleteBylaw Enforcement
107 Central St West
Ph. 933-0007
Fax 933-1987
Phone in and say Coltin Lockert is running a meth lab in his garage at 115 6th Avenue. For the lulz.
Ghost says on his Twitter he will come back when his cold goes, and when the shitstorm with Coltin dies down! HE LIVES! :D
ReplyDeletehey guys i have some good news and bad news the good news ghost is returning the bad news is he is too sick to run the show
ReplyDeleteWhat a damn shame. I'll admit, I did come for a few laughs, but you really did have some useful information out there in the world that people often miss (even if I'm not a completely political person). You do what you need to do to protect yourself, even if it means quitting. But just know that you'll still live on in our hearts :< /end the cheese/. LONG LIVE TCR.
ReplyDeleteNot anon because whats the point >:I
I am very impressed with the outpouring of affection of Ghost. I mean lets face it, we all listen to him for the outrageous fits, but then something starts sinking in...and contrary to what is said, the trolls, (with exception of a few cyberstalkers such as Cbrony),actually really like him. If he actually stayed gone, what would they do? They desire his attention so bad that even negative attention is welcomed for them. Obviously these people have had no raising of any normalcy and neg attention is just as good for them as any. Ghost is kind of like their father figure. I never realized so many young people listened to him either. He has the opportunity to influence and seep the right kind of thinking into these kids. In closing, I hope Ghost does return. I have posted on here already, but I felt the need to add this as well. Signed: Mistykins..TENN
ReplyDeleteI'll let you know any bronies who allowed things to come this far, time to turn in your brony card. You are no longer allowed in the friendship club due to your lack of tolerance.
ReplyDeleteHope you return soon Ghost, you provided great entertainment to all of us. Consequences will never be the same for that cyber vermin, living in a garage, troll terrorist Celtic Brony
ReplyDeleteGhost you were like a father figure to me and a friend. I will miss your insight on the markets and current events you talk about. Some of the content you talk about really taught me about the capitalist system and how to be successful in life. You are the best Ghost, don't let these troll terrorist get to you.
ReplyDeleteyour fan Evil Tediz. "Give me Capitalism or give me death!"
Ghost, you are the only talk show host who isn't afraid to tell us the truth about capitalism, no bull. I wish all the other talk show hosts were like you, but sadly there will be no more. I loved your show and dearly hope you will return.
In all honesty i'm surprised how quick everyone turns on celtic. Dont get me wrong I watch ghost for the political aspect of the show along with the hilarity that ensues but seriously do you really think he thought ghost would quit (or try to) quit forever because of a failed dox on him? Celtic is really just in the wrong place at the wrong time here, and now pranksterpinkiepie's being called out to and I assume you'll turn your back on him to. I love TRC as much as the next person along with ghost but that doesnt mean just because shit goes south I hate everyone who have posted videos for us.
ReplyDeleteceltic brony's stuff was over the top, it was beyond what i consider trolling and more like sadism. I know they are kind of the same thing but celtic took it to far, he's a tryTOOhard and needs to be punished for it.. >=(
Deleteneeds to be punished 0.o ok there hitler
ReplyDeletepunishing someone just cause they allegedly caused your favorite show host to quit
Ghost I love you....pls don't leave. You make my panties wet with anticipation.
ReplyDeleteThis is why we can't have nice things. Seriously though Ghost, you need to keep broadcasting, even if it's a few times per month. Don't let trolls like CelticBrony get to you, their lives are already a failure, and they need to fill the void in their pathetic lives, that's why they troll you, it's probably the only pleasure they get out of their lives. Long live CAPITALISM! and DEATH TO IGNORANCE!
ReplyDeletePoor Ghost, what celtic and prankster are doing goes against what bronies are all about.
ReplyDeleteThis is a modern day media lynching of MY MAN Celtic Brony! Punitive damages are coming out of YOUR ASS!
ReplyDeleteI remember him talking shit about you in his anty-brony era.. just wait.. he will betray you and fuck you in the ass
DeleteI think pinkie would like that in all honesty. HAI PINKIE <3!
DeleteGod damnit Ghost I'm going to fucking miss you bro, and fuck all these bronies. Buncha fags.
ReplyDeleteLike if Celticbrony was worth this shit.. Celticbrony is a two faced piece of crap.. he has fucked with Goofybone while Goofybone thought he was his friend.. then he started a war against bronies and even changed his own nickname... to be honest he is not a troll.. he is something else.. he is the guy that will kill you with the knife while supposedly making you a sandwich.
ReplyDeleteProtip: Just cancel the Radio Graffity and Shoutouts. Then wonder why nobody listens to the show anymore.
ReplyDeleteceltics gonna get his windows smashed in tonight
ReplyDeletethis one is the other loser that helps celticbrony with the NCF stuff http://www.facebook.com/zovistograt
another infiltrated NCF traitor, he is the one that helps celtic brony with the remixes as well
Oh.. so that's why his remixes where shit tier and suddenly they became really good.
DeleteGHOST RETURNS.... **/**/2012
ReplyDelete(however long it takes to get over the common cold...)
CelticBrony's last video & info on the shitstorm:
celtic brony was a traitor all long he was a fake brony he betray his friends and fans he even use them
ReplyDeleteguys we have good news celtic brony left the internet forever and he made his last video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqeCoOFEKWM&feature=channel_video_title he was a traitor all the long
ReplyDeleteHe'll be back, but in a different form. He's like a kid with candy. Once a person gets a taste of the candy they will always want more. Mark my words, this isn't finished, it's just a diversion.
DeleteAgree.. he will try to be low profile for now, and then he will start doing his stuff as a different persona.. what he has to change is himself.. just be honorable and faithful to people not a fucking traitor that acts by himself and betrays his folks depending on the situation
Deletewow the bronys are now hating celtic brony he just betray them really bad
ReplyDeleteShow today plox Ghost ! kthx bai
ReplyDeleteHey Ghost, I'm glad you've decided not to quit. Looking forward to the next TCR.
ReplyDeleteGo to http://shortyawards.com/category/radio and vote for Ghost! Only 130 votes more and he has first place! Don't be lazy, you bronie fucks
ReplyDeleteGhost IRC : Server --> irc.anonops.com Channel ---> #ghostpolitics
ReplyDeleteGhost I'm glad you decided not to quit, or just haven't quit yet, or what ever the situation currently is, because I enjoy listening to som of your shows. I will be honest, I'm not a capitalist. I'm not over 18,(I'm 15 to be exact), which I know tends to annoy you. In fact, I am a socialist, so I usually don't agree with you. However, I do find it interesting to hear what the other side of the political spectrum has to say. It gives me a more complete view of the modern issues. Again, I will be honest, I do find some of the trolling funny. But not because of what they say, because of what you say back, so I do listen a little bit for the trolling. But I listen for the real content too. I admire that you try to help people be successful, even though I may not agree with how you do it. My only real complaint, is that you may not be racist, but you do use racial stereotypes just a bit too much. But hey, to each his/her own. Anyway, thanks for at least giving us a few more broadcasts. Sincerely, Crazynerd.
ReplyDeleteIm exactly with you on everything, but im a tad left on the spectrum ;)
DeleteLeft for the win
Deleteplease do a show!
ReplyDeleteFuck Texas
ReplyDeleteI really hope you do another show, not just because I get the occasional chuckle from Radio Graffiti, but also because I like to hear what you have to say. I dont agree with you, but you have my respect. Fuck the trolls, fuck the haters.
ReplyDeleteFrom a Communist
Texas rules, don't you be talking bad about Texas boy!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, screw you I want to go to Texas
I've watched a lot of the Radio Graffiti trolling videos and while they were funny, I feel really bad for you!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking you should take consolation in the fact that it is giving your radio show a lot of publicity. It's free advertisement. One of the laws of power is "any attention is good attention".
I agree. That's how I found out about the show originally, and now I liste to it sometimes.
DeleteWell, looks like we're back at this again.
I can only hope that it doesn't end at episode 215 - that it will continue on at some point in the future, because to say that you have accomplished none of mind-empowering, or thought-provoking is only a hyperbole used to justify a vacation from broadcasting that you may need. That is what I can believe. But to end it for good because you have truly accomplished none of such is something I refuse to believe, and I'm sure I share this stance with others in the community.
I can assure you that there's a good portion of your audience who actually take your broadcasted content to heart. I'm sure that there are young listeners who have been converted from troll to aspiring capitalists of the future. I mean I first heard of all the prank calls from YouTube, and as soon as I heard for my first time a full length live episode, I knew it was just bigger than that. There are childish listeners who have taken your advice on being successful in a capitalist nation. As for some listeners who are also childish listeners who remain childish, they've retained your content-rich broadcasts in their heads. They'll face the days when their adolescence is coming to an end, and they'll start showing that you've changed their lives. Ghost, you've changed the course of many young listeners, and I don't give two shits if they act childish and prank call you. You've changed their lives.
Unfortunately, it seems that trolls and prank callers have spoken their useless shit louder than legitimate listeners. But I just want to remind you that as much as prank callers crowd out legitimate callers, much like the past Obama's fiscal plans, we (the actual capitalists) are still listening to your broadcast. The childish listeners show only a plain numbers, not proportion. Even so if all they do is act childish, your consistent pro-capitalism content-rich material must have gotten into most of their heads.
I want to thank you for all these shows you've done at your own expense, and continuing to broadcast these shows in the past despite all the shit you've received. That is what has made a difference. The future generation, being dragged down the proverbial shit funnel - I know that you've saved some of them from hitting the bottom of the pooper. Your broadcasts are consistent in the message that you are trying to deliver, and you've for sure turned the seemingly Junkyard residents into potential capitalists for the future.
I've also personally enjoyed many TCR broadcasts. I've always looked forward to hearing your analysis of the markets, and your analysis of news and current events. Being a student now studying second-year economics, I'm consistently interested in the topics you discuss throughout the entire show. Even though, I'd also have to admit that a little bit of prank calls do spice up the show, but when the majority of calls are nothing but prank calls, it really crosses the line.
Although I, and probably as with many other listners, are selfishly hoping that 215 is not the last, I wrote this message to disprove your justification for announcing that 215 will be the last. Your intentions for broadcasting has been fulfilled. I wrote this to see if you would consider that, and selfishly hoping that my arguments would lead you into recoinsidering your decision. Even if you retain your decision, you've at least deserved a "retirement" from TCR, but you should also know that you've done a lot. So don't be too hard on yourself.
I would love to rant more, but it's been 30 mins into the solar storm impact time frame, and my room could black out any second now, and all this rant would be gone. All I can say is: Ghost, I do hope that you broadcast in some form in the future. If not, then good luck in your future endeavors.
Good luck, We're all behind 7 proxies.
ReplyDeleteOh no.... Whatever will we do without our melting pot of racism?
ReplyDeleteI love how Anonymous argues with Anonymous about Anonymous being anonymous.
ReplyDeleteI am a brony, and I'm not here to troll at all, neither am I here to defend the brony community nor try to stand up for any of them.
ReplyDeleteI've been listening to TCR for a while now, though I don't reside in the States. Many things on the show said are obscurely true. Why would you let trolls kill your brainchild, Ghost?
Admittedly, I enjoy listening to your rage fits with those infamous "cans.wav" moments, and all of those extremely fucked up callers. I especially love laughing off all your accusations on bronies and calling them what they're not. Honestly, I do find that amusing rather than offensive.
Think things through, Ghost. Don't let your brainchild go to waste. You've stood against so many trolls before. You're not gonna let another bunch of them be the death of your beloved show.
ReplyDeleteAnd then Ghost got his twitter account hacked, and left TCR forever. What will happen to the community? We'll find out Summer 2012
ReplyDeleteI hope you return one day, it was your advice that encuraged me to turn 5 bucks into 200 in less than a year
ReplyDeleteWe love you, Ghost. We really do. All those times we trolled you, we only did it because we love your reactions (cans.wav, 'fruitbowls', 'milkylickers', etc). We miss you, Ghostie!
P. Ghost. Sucks when a bunch of cuntbags have to ruin my learning of capitalism. How will i be converted now?
Srsly though, your an asshole, cunticbrony.
ReplyDeletePlease come back, don't let them win. I just found your show, and being a young conservative, it has been difficult to find any truly insightful, comprehensive conservative economic and political commentary. Thank you so much for bringing this to us, even if I never got to listen to you live, I will continue to listen to your older shows. Thank you again, take care.
cmon ghost. i only just started listening to TCR, and it stopped before i even started. these trolls just come here because they have no life, no friends, and the most likely jack of to mlp every night. but you've been dealing with it for years, and you have to keep going. just read above and see all the people who think the same way. we need you ghost. you are the true embodiment of capitalism
ReplyDeleteGhost, why are you and Rush Limbaugh such racist commies? Wow its amazing all you low life filthy republican try to spread your trash.
ReplyDeleteFUCK TEXAS!!!
go to him.
ReplyDeletePlease come back to us soon. I just found yor show right before you closed your twitter account so I never got a chance to talk to you. I use to be a major brony but listening yo some of your older shows made me realize how bad of shape I was in. I still like the show and I doubt that'll ever change but now I have my life prioritized so that finishing college and doing something useful with my life is to priority with watching MLP at the very bottom of the list. I know if your show could change a brony hambone like my self then it can change others as well. So please come back is some form and thank you for saving my saity and life
Hey Ghost you did a heck of a job educating us. Come back and keep on kicking the crap out of socialist filthy asses.
ReplyDeleteWe need you!!!
Greetings from Brazil.
cant believe theres been nothing about the election froom ghost
ReplyDeleteI miss you, Ghost, please come back. Those scumbags went a little to fuckin' far trying to dox and find where you live. Also, are you going to come back? My friend told me someone got back those scumbags, but I'm not completely sure, but next time you come back, use a proxy.
ReplyDeleteR.I.P. Ghost. You were a true capitalist in your soul until the final bullet hole.
we gonna miss you
ReplyDeletei rarely had so much fun than when i was listening you raging :)
Come back. Please.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog and amazing comments !
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing !
best regards !
We miss you
ReplyDeleteGhost, just curious here, but how would you feel if somebody else put out a similar broadcast in your absence? Now, when I say similar broadcast, I mean a show about Capitalism, with a listener call-in segment, not someone ripping you off or anything like that. Would you be alright with something like that, at least until you came back, just so real Capitalists have some sort of a broadcast for now?
ReplyDeletecome back
ReplyDeleteLife is just not the same anymore
ReplyDeleteI genuinely miss this man. The archives can only go so far. As a broadcast veteran, I can say that Ghost pumped a large amount of time and energy into prepping these broadcasts, and was made out to look like a complete moron. As much as I dislike it, I can truly see why he felt compelled to end the program.
ReplyDeleteFuck all Jewish brony faggots! Come back to us ghost!
ReplyDeletewe doxed the faggot ghost please come back. You are honestly the best radio host I've ever heard and I mean it- the world needs you!
ReplyDeletehey ghost if you reading this which you probably won't. But I hope you do I want to let you know I loved your show. And I know this is very late but it was great I took your advice and information to mind. I think that it would be great to join blogtalkradio with a new show. (Different show but same concept or just the same show). You changed my mind of the government and put in a much smarter direction. But what I loved most about your show is that you added fun into it. Adding your taco taco Tuesdays and all of the fun days. I know there were a lot of bronies but that age is long gone. So please take my advice and start the show back up. If you actually read this and you came to the senses you used to and probably still have please email me at brendan.maki@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteDon't know if you read this but your show was attacked for a reason. In contrast to your capitalist army there is a government sanctioned, welfare army, that basically ruins shows like yours for a living. Government funded slanderers of people that oppose their delusional ideals. I hope you come back one day though. People with their heads on correctly need someone to look up to these days.
ReplyDeleteI do understand why you quit though. It just angers me that it was more than likely an organized attack by people that disagree with your ideals. I wonder what would happen if someone attacked them for their ideals? How quickly would they be ousted and the people behind it punished? I would imagine very quickly.
Anyways, listening to your show has indeed got me interested in capitalism. I thank you for that.
Why was your twitter suspended?
ReplyDeleteFuck you Texas, and fuck your Lone Star beer. Fuck that fuckin' Alamo and fuckin' long horn steers. Fuck every Dallas Cowboy, that ever draws a breath. Fuck you Texas, and fuck you plumb to death.
ReplyDeleteTo whoever is curious:
ReplyDeleteGhost has in all likelihood left the internet by this point in time. The gh0stp0litics Twitter account is a troll who also gained access to Ghost's cafepress and possibly BlogTalkRadio accounts, due to a Yahoo! email hack in July of 2012. I'm not sure why the Twitter is still being updated to this day, but it is highly unlikely it is the actual Ghost, given the fact that he is still soliciting Bitcoin donations (something the real Ghost would never do) and snubbed his fans' request for a 2013 Halloween broadcast.
Even if it still really is Ghost, I'm fairly sure the account still wouldn't be popular because it's basically him ranting about stupid shit; everyone who's heard of Ghost for more than 5 minutes nowadays knows he's an idiot and an asshole (I hear liberals have many names for that sort of person); no show to troll and agitate him on makes for an altogether less entertaining Ghost. If it's even him, which is likely is not.
I can't verify the state of his YouTube account.
This blog, however, has not been broken into. Consider it the last untouched legacy of Ghost.
^ Snippets from a Paltalk chat in mid-2012, the last verified recording of Ghost's voice. He wouldn't come back even if he hadn't been hacked because the show, despite all the effort he was putting into it, was a magnet for trolls and it was taking a toll on him and his personal life. Although it wouldn't be unwise to presume the hacking pushed him over the edge; he'd been the target of hacks for years before.
What remains of the Capitalist Army is a shambles. The few rank and file that remain are more or less hopelessly deluded that he might come back; since a good number of them never got to call in or even listen to Ghost I can't entirely blame them. Some of them have taken to trolling other online radio shows, a frankly pathetic affair that was doomed from the start.
If anyone who reads this is curious as to the details of the downfall of Ghost and TCR, check the True Capitalist Wiki. It has all the information you could want, even if you might have to connect the dots yourself. There are a handful of editors left, and a number of the aforementioned 'new' Capitalist Army soldiers. There's also a torrent floating around containing every archived TCR broadcast, from 2008 to 2012, and of course YouTube is full of videos and remixes.
It really is over. Theoretically, there is a chance he could come back; he's done it before. But it is extremely unlikely. Keep watch if you must, honor it in your memories and with remixes and game mods...but my advice is to just move on.
And may I add:
DeleteGiven that it was 4chan who initially started trolling Ghost, I'd say what happened was mostly inevitable. The catalyst was one of these raids being uploaded to YouTube, which spiked the show's popularity and flooded the line with trolls. I'd say this was also inevitable, given that BTR raids had, as far as I know, appeared on YouTube before. If that particular raid was never uploaded, I surmise the show's decline would have taken longer, but ultimately would have happened anyway.
Then Ghost expressed his disdain for MLP:FiM and the bronies arrived. Then there was the periodic hack attacks. It was only a matter of time before something happened. At least he quit instead of making things exponentially worse.
For all that he was wrong on (and he was wrong on a LOT, which was a big part of what made his show so trollable and therefore famous), he was unmistakably a hardcore, dedicated capitalist. Perhaps capitalism will not last forever, or at least unfettered capitalism; but Ghost, at least, is a part of internet history now. May his fire and passion live on, whatever he decides to do. We will miss him.
DeleteThe fateful raid happened in mid-2010, to the best of my knowledge.
And I may have stated in the first post that Ghost was an idiot and an asshole. In SOME aspects, this is correct. I would not go so far as to paint him as a moron, however; he did not lack intellect altogether.
I re-researched the facts, and I was incorrect. The raids started in late 2009, but it was in mid-2011 that DarkRazorZ uploaded the raid for Episode 111, which was the catalyst that exponentially increased the show's 'popularity', which consisted almost entirely of trolls, bronies and troll bronies. There really were other, earlier raids uploaded under the title 'BTR Raid' though.
DeleteI wish I could edit my posts here; and I apologize for the long wall of text. At least the history is out there.
I hate to keep replying to myself like this, but another fact occurred to me. There is no 'socialist army' as a previous anon claimed above. It's pretty much a machination of either one of Ghost's few and far-between serious fans, or someone who enjoyed listening to Ghost get angry who let the show grow on him (as it did with many) and waxed sentimental. Internet history, as it were, is rife with this sort of over-exaggeration.
DeleteAnd for the record, I believe the REAL historical record will show that capitalism, with a number of dare I say socialist-esque regulations, will prove to be the best form of economy.
Also, to answer the anon below the anon I mentioned: Ghost's original account was hacked, and he lost control of it. Ghost's alternate account was taken over by a troll and was suspended after sending a private message to a member of a troll group that had connections with the troubles that plagued the late era of the show. The group's title contained a racial slur, which triggered a suspension.
Yeah, a sextuple post. I feel this is necessary to add, however:
ReplyDeleteGhost was trolled because he and many of his ideas were naturally inflammatory, if not just outright ignorant and/or wrong. One only has to hear his support for Herman Cain in the 2012 election, or his criticism of Obama that like most criticism from rightwing bloggers and news outlets amounts to little more than amateur attempts at character assassination. Not to mention the fact that he failed to realize that Reagan's 'welfare queen' that he turned into the 'po of America' to rant against was by and large invented out of whole cloth. Nor that truly unfettered capitalism is in the end bad for all but a select few. And this is without mentioning his apparent racism and sexism, until now at least. This is but an example of why I have stated that Ghost was sometimes wrong.
I still miss him though, if only for his drive and his entertaining anger. I still cannot blame him for leaving because of the latter.
The ghostpolitics YouTube account is still active. It's likely that it's not actually Ghost, though.
ReplyDeleteGh0stP0litics IS A FAKE
ReplyDeleteGh0stP0litics IS A FAKE
Gh0stP0litics IS A FAKE
Ghost confirmed for dead. Fucking assclown couldn't even leave his true capitalists with some clear methodical stock advice. :'(