Sorry it took so long, but here are the nominations for the Ghosties! Better late than never...
- Best Shout-Out Name
- Best Remix
- Best Audio Splice
- Best Fail Troll
- Best Transtesticle
- Best Mexican
- Best Black Guy
- Best Brony
- Most Memorable Meme of the Year
- Worst TCR character
- TCR Fan of the Year
- TCR Troll of the Year
- Capitalist of the Year
- and other honorable mentions from 2011...
Here are the categories for the Ghosties. If you want to campaign for your nominee then Tweet me @GhostPolitics from now until the Ghosties show. Winners will be given the opportunity to make a speech during the LIVE broadcast of the Ghosties (I will accept the award for those who don't show up). I want to reiterate that this award show is merely for props and the winners will receive absolutely nothing. But if you would like something tangible to represent your award, above is a fill-in the blank certificate for your award receiving pleasure. Maybe next year we'll give out a smashed up beer can or something.
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ghost -----Be here for the Ghosties
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ReplyDeleteHaha I'll be sure to listen in on "The Ghosties" Have a Happy New Year Ghost from AnonPlum0 and every other capitalist in the base! Keep on doin g what you're doing ghost !
ReplyDeleteBest Shoutout name: Pooptickler
ReplyDeleteBest Audio Splice: Alex S
Best Fail Troll: Asho
Troll of the year: Ghetto Capitalist
Most Memorable Meme of the year: SUCK MAH DIICK
Best Tree of the Year: Gasgara
ReplyDeleteBest Shout-Out Name: Ghostdusky
Best Remix: Alex S
Most Memorable Meme: Fuck You Texas
Talent of the Year: Engineer
Biggist Dishrag Skankasaurus: debi daly
Best Shout-out has to go the Pooptickler family
ReplyDeleteBest Remix: Ghost Miser
ReplyDeleteBest Shout-Out Name: DavidDukeGhost
Most Memorable Meme of the Year: Johnny Rebel's Nigger Songs
Best Dirtydishrag Whore:...can't remember her damn name, but that one chick you told not too long ago to "get back in the damn kitchen!"
Best Fail Troll: Suck my dick! Talk about no originality whatsoever.
Best Audio Splice: Vote for Sarah Palin!
TCR Troll of the Year: Ghost
Worst Meme: Hambome. Stop abusing the damn thing.
Worst TCR Character: Asho
TCR Fan of the Year: Engineer
TCR Fan of the year: Meredith Vieira
ReplyDeleteРоссия – священная наша держава,
ReplyDeleteРоссия – любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава –
Твоё достоянье на все времена!
Ghost, post a picture of yourself in your next blog. I'd like to jack off to it.
ReplyDeleteUnited forever in friendship and labor, Our mighty republics will ever endure. The great Soviet Union will live through the ages. The dream of the people their fortress secure. Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our People, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin led us Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above and Stalin our Leader with faith in the People, Inspired us to build up the land that we love. Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our People, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. We fought for the future, destroyed the invader, and brought to our homeland the Laurels of Fame. Our glory will live in the memory of nations and all generations will honour her name. Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our People, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see.
ReplyDelete*HONK HONK*
ReplyDeleteBest remix: Alex S.
ReplyDeleteGhost, my name is Carlos Mencia and I challenge you for the title of King of Wetbacks...I mean Mexicans. Meet me tomorrow at the Mean Eyed Cat at 6:45. There the true King of Beaners will be crowned.
ReplyDeleteBring your A game, bitch, cause I'm gonna make you look like a dee dee dee!!
Hey ghost its fluttershy, all us bronies miss you come back home. Please ghost.♣